Memorial Works

  • Delia Baillie RSA

    1977 - 2023
  • Delia was born and raised in Glasgow where she received great encouragement and inspiration from her art teacher at Pennilee...

     Untitled, 2022, gouache, ink and gesso on board

    Delia was born and raised in Glasgow where she received great encouragement and inspiration from her art teacher at Pennilee Secondary School. At the age of 18 she moved to Dundee to study at Duncan of Jordanstone College, subsidising this by working as a life model.

    She began teaching at DJCAD in 2003 and was elected to the RSA in 2008. I seconded Ronnie Forbes’ proposal of Delia to the Academy, as we were aware of, not only her great talent, but her passion for teaching and promoting contemporary art and artists, would significantly assist the Academy’s vision. She exhibited annually within the RSA and contributed continuously over these years to the committees of General Purposes, Exhibitions and Council. In 2017, Delia was the convenor of the RSA New Contemporaries, and in 2021, along with Jessica Harrison, co-convened the 195th RSA Annual Exhibition. On 22 November 2022, Delia was elected as the first female Treasurer in the 197-year history of the Academy, bringing her usual dedicated approach to seamlessly transition into the role. It was also her compassion for bringing her world into the Academy which attracted so many to her. I have two lovely memories of Delia in the RSA. An Assembly meeting, where Delia’s young baby, snuggled under her coat, was desperate to yelp out into the minute’s silence being observed for a recently departed member. The longest minute ever! And that Varnishing Day Lunch. Delia, towering above most in her platforms. Magnificent painting on the wall. Young child on hip. The atmosphere in the room and a toast raised to the youngest ever to attend our historic meeting.

  • At DJCAD, Delia taught on every undergraduate year, from General Foundation to Final Year, with her most recent role as...
    Faced Array, 2021, acrylic and ink on plywood mounted paper

    At DJCAD, Delia taught on every undergraduate year, from General Foundation to Final Year, with her most recent role as lead tutor on the new MFA in Fine Art. As one of the few members of staff from DJCAD whose practice was based in and broadcast from Dundee, she offered enormous inspiration to our colleagues, students, and graduates, where her devotional painting and recent printmaking practice involved international residencies, bursaries, exhibitions, collaborations, curation and public presentations.


    During [her] last year, dealing with a diagnosis of cancer, her incredible determination and spirit enabled her to not only be elected as the Treasurer of the RSA, but fully return to teaching, participate in solo and group exhibitions, give a public presentation on her practice, focus on a new suite of prints, and undertake a collaborative venture involving sculpture and printmaking. This unique, positive, constantly enquiring Academician, whose laughter rattled the windows of every building, will be remembered for her contribution as an excellent artist, tutor and mentor. Delia will be sorely missed by us all. 


    - Edward Summerton RSA, Secretary

  • Dennis Buchan RSA

    1937 - 2023
  • Dennis Buchan was born in Arbroath in 1937 and attended Arbroath High School before studying at Duncan of Jordanstone College...

     Seagate, 1985, PVA on canvas.

    Dennis Buchan was born in Arbroath in 1937 and attended Arbroath High School before studying at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design, Dundee, under Alberto Morrocco. Following art school, Dennis spent a postgraduate period at Hospitalfield, Arbroath. Dennis travelled throughout his career, making new research in such places as New York, Barcelona, Belgium, and the Netherlands. In 1965, he took up a teaching position at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design, where he remained until retiring to paint full-time in 1994.


    On the 12th February 1975, nominated by John Houston RSA and Elizabeth Blackadder RA RSA, Dennis was elected as an Associate of the Royal Scottish Academy, becoming a full Academician in 1991. Dennis was Convenor of the RSA Annual Exhibition in 2004, also providing the work for the poster and catalogue. Dennis was invited to produce the well-received Christmas Card for the Academy in 1995. He exhibited regularly at the Academy including annually as part of the RSA Members shows. Notably he was also invited to exhibit new paintings in the curated SEA exhibition at the RSA in 2005.

  • Dennis was the recipient of many awards through out his career including the Keith Prize (RSA), Latimer Award (RSA), the William Gillies Bequest Award (RSA) and several other major awards including a major Scottish Arts Council Award in 1973. His work is held in private and public collections both nationally and internationally. His most recent solo exhibition was with Compass Gallery, Glasgow, in September 2022. Dennis’ work fused the Scottish colourist tradition with more modern, abstract expressionism and pop art. His works took inspiration from landscapes and seascapes, using everyday objects to create bold juxtapositions of form and colour.


  • Peter Collins RSA

    1935 - 2023
  • Peter Collins was born in Inverness in 1935 and studied art at Edinburgh College of Art from 1952 to 1956...
    Untitled (Girl Holding Flowers), oil on canvas

    Peter Collins was born in Inverness in 1935 and studied art at Edinburgh College of Art from 1952 to 1956 where he was greatly influenced by the work of John Maxwell RSA. He was awarded a Post Diploma Scholarship in 1957 and the Andrew Grant Travelling scholarship for travel to Italy (1957 – 1958).


    Peter first exhibited with the Royal Scottish Academy in 1957 and was elected to the Society of Scottish Artists (SSA) in 1959. Living in Edinburgh from 1960 until 1965, he was a recipient of the RSA Latimer Award during this period.


    In 1965, he moved to Dundee to take up a position as Lecturer at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art. He remained there in the Fine Art school until his retirement. In 1983 he relocated from Dundee to rural Perthshire. Peter exhibited widely with a first solo exhibition at the Scottish Gallery in 1968 with further exhibitions Art Across the Tay (Dundee) and Scottish Painting at the Richard Demarco Gallery, Edinburgh, also in that year. In 1969, he was included in the group exhibition Painters and Printers in Dundee at the New Charing Cross Gallery in Glasgow and then the 1970 exhibition Seven Painters in Dundee which was a Scottish Arts Council travelling exhibition. This led to the loose-knit group of painters, which included Dennis Buchan, Iain Fearn, James Howie, Neil Dallas Brown, James Morrison and Peter Collins, being referred to as the ‘Dundee Seven’. In 1971, he was included in the touring exhibition 12 Scottish Painters which toured across the United States.

  • Peter was elected as an Associate of the RSA in 1966 and elevated to full Academician status in 1974. During...
     Requiem for JM, oil on canvas

    Peter was elected as an Associate of the RSA in 1966 and elevated to full Academician status in 1974. During his time as a Member of the Royal Scottish Academy, Peter served on numerous committees including multiple periods of service for Council and the Committee of Arrangements. Peter was also the Librarian for an extended period between 1988 and 2005. He acted as the Auditor between 1987 and 1991. In 2004, Peter took on the role of Deputy President under the Presidency of Ian McKenzie Smith PPRSA.


    Peter was a regular exhibitor at the Royal Scottish Academy and his work is held in the RSA Collections as well as Aberdeen Art Gallery; Perth Art Gallery; Glasgow Life Museums; Edinburgh College of Art; Dundee City Council; Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art; and the Edinburgh Education Authority amongst others.

  • John Byrne RSA

    1940 - 2023
  • Born in 1940, John Byrne grew up in the Ferguslie Park housing estate in Paisley, frequently cited at the time...
    Black Guy in Hat, 2005, oil on canvas

    Born in 1940, John Byrne grew up in the Ferguslie Park housing estate in Paisley, frequently cited at the time as the worst slum in Europe. Leaving school without any qualifications, he worked as a ‘slab boy,’ grinding pigment in a carpet factory in Elderslie. This experience would provide the inspiration for his trilogy of plays, The Slab Boys (1978), widely considered as one of the most important works of twentieth-century Scottish literature.


    Byrne gained entrance to Glasgow School of Art in 1958 and earned the admiration of his tutors and peers as his talent for drawing and painting became apparent. As critic Cordelia Oliver has said, before long Byrne ‘could draw like Millais.’ Considering the rules and regulations of the art school to be too stringent, however, he transferred to Edinburgh College of Art in 1961, only to return to Glasgow to complete his degree having found Edinburgh even worse. He went on to win the prestigious Bellahouston Award for painting and travelled to Italy to view the works of the Renaissance Masters. From 1964 until 1966, Byrne designed jackets for Penguin Books. Having had his work rejected by various galleries, Byrne submitted a painting to the Portal Gallery, London, under the pseudonym of Patrick. Finding success under this guise, Byrne continued to present work as Patrick even after his cover was blown.

  • Byrne was an acclaimed polymath, working in the visual arts, theatre, set design, illustration, film and TV, creating the acclaimed series Tutti Frutti in 1987. He has worked in printmaking since the late 1970s, using the facilities at Glasgow Print Studio to produce a diverse body of work. In a 2011 interview in The Herald, John Byrne recounts a moment 50 years prior when, as a young artist, he took the train from Glasgow to Edinburgh to attend a prize-giving ceremony at the Royal Scottish Academy, where he was due to collect a painting award. Lighting up a cigarette before the Royal toast, Byrne incurred the wrath of Academician David Donaldson, placing him, he felt, on ‘a shooglie nail’ at the RSA ever since. Becoming a renowned painter and playwright, Byrne was elected an Associate of the Royal Scottish Academy in 2004 and became a full Member in 2007 and with it Byrne’s nail in the Academy’s wall became a little sturdier. Over the years since his election, John was an active member of the Academy, being a part of the hanging Committee for the inaugural New Contemporaries exhibition in 2009 and sitting on Council in 2011. Scotland’s First minister, Humza Yousaf said ‘There are not the words to do justice to the talents of John Byrne. An extraordinary playwright, artist and designer. Scotland has lost a cultural icon, and the world is less brighter with his passing.’


    John Byrne passed away peacefully on Thursday 30 November with his wife Jeanine by his side.


    - Flora La Thangue, Gallery Manager