Jill Skulina

The artist - The birth of my daughter and becoming a mother has featured heavily in my work and I would characterise my practice as one of self healing, vulnerability and of quiet activism. Now my daughter has grown up her status as my muse has evolved to encompass this new phase of motherhood. My work portrays emotional strength and transformation through candid and vulnerable narratives. I tackle memories of life events: memories which may be inaccurate, misremembered or one-sided. I seek out joy and deeper connections; deal with depression, emotional pains, menopause; self hate; self love, and healing.


This layered collage combines reflections on my past and present through the lense of nostalgia and storytelling, featuring drawings of myself and my childhood doll. The drawings are intended to be somewhat off kilter, with slightly odd perspectives and jarring composition. Enhanced with fluorescent yellow highlights the work seeks to find healing by reconnecting with our inner child. This piece invites reflection of scars created in childhood and the wrestling with the mature acceptance that they were made by loving parents doing the best they could.