Santiago Aleman

After studying architecture, landscape and public space in three Universities, Politécnica de Valencia, (Spain), RWTH Aachen (Germany) and Mie Daigaku (Japan) he embarks on a continuum of semi nomadic existences that led to the genesis of artist persona Santiago Aleman around the year 2014.


In April 2024, the artist has an art activation at Tate Modern, in London, in which he expressed the pulse for resilience, redemption and recurrence through a series of rebuilt canvases under the program Tate Modern Lates.


In 2019, he participated in the 58th Edition of the Venice Biennale under the Faces Pavilion in the Arsenale with a polyptych altarpiece of vernacular abstraction. The same year, he had a pivoting solo show in Beijing, at the ji-tu space, Natural Light, where he came upon the importance of the socio realities surrounding a project in the materialisation of the work itself.


He has been invited to the renowned artist residency at the Swatch Art Peace Hotel in Shanghai, and he has taught concepts of space and architecture at the Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, in Suzhou, both in China throughout 2017 and 2018.


Although his oeuvre is predominantly vernacular painting, his work in photography, slow-motion video and loops addresses the subject of the eternal recurrence in the collective subconscious.


He currently lives and works in London, England.